MOFO Ultimate

MOFO is the elite Winnipeg-based juniors club touring ultimate team. "Masters Of Flying Objects" is consistently one of the most competitive junior ultimate teams in the country and is a perennial contender for the National Juniors division title at the Canadian Ultimate Championships every year.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

MOFO at Worlds

MOFO consistently produces strong players who represent the country on the national junior teams competing at the World Ultimate and Guts Championships (WUGC) and at the World Junior Ultimate Championships (WJUC), held alternating every 2 years. In 2006 Devens, Massachusetts (near Boston) hosted WJUC 2006.

Vancouver hosts WUGC 2008.


WUGC 2008 in Vancouver, BC, Canada

Open Team:

Sean Brooks
Cam Burden
Mark Lloyd
Kyle Lohrson
Quin Rusnak
Andrew Vogt

Women's Team:

Samie Lovat
Lauren Roberts
Kaiya Seaman
Latitia Seaman

Taylor Rusnak
Olana Wach


WJUC 2006 in Devens (Boston), Massachusetts, USA

Open Team:

Head Coach: Colin Yeung
Matt Artemi
Jasa Grant
Jonny Luk
Josh Magnusson

Krish Mulchand
Quinn Taylor
Andrew Vogt

Women's Team:

Zahrah Ali
Katie Boyd

Alexa Kovacs

Amber Matwychuk
Taylor Rusnak


WUGC 2004 in Turku, Finland

Open Team:

Dave Bryngelson
Andy Lawson
Garrett LeBlanc
Josh Magnusso
Eric McAughey
Andrei Zurek

Women's Team:

Zahrah Ali
Katie Boyd

Mel Fransoo
Amber Matwychuk

View Dean Wright's Reports from Finland


WJUC 2002 in Riga, Latvia

Open Team:

Andy Lawson (North Bay)
Brent McAughey
Eric McAughey

Adam Melnyk
Andrei Zurek

Women's Team:

Christine Aberley (Vancouver)


WUGC 2000 in Heilbronn, Germany

Open Team:

Adam Melnyk
Danny Saunders
Colin Yeung

Women's Team:

Karen Bansal
Karin Chang-Kue
Amy Hodgins (Vancouver)
Megan O'Brien (Vancouver)


WUGC 1998 in Blaine, Minnesota

Open Team:

D'Alton Hindle
Justin Lee
Craig Mackie
Danny Saunders